Conflict Management Training

Peer Mediation

Few consultants have the breadth of experience and ability to deliver training that transforms organizations in this niche area affecting the modern workplace. Versed in the most relevant issues and trends, our consultants come alongside your team to shape solutions that help you to help yourself. We help you promote psychologically healthy workplaces that are not only safe spaces but also fun places. We get your employees talking and coming together instead of staying silent and drifting apart. We can also train you to train each other in helping dissolve cliques and work through disruption from drawn battle lines.


Our organizational consultants assist with colleague and co-worker disputes to help people work out multiparty conflicts. Our expert facilitators provide meeting consultation for the design of conflict management systems and dispute resolution interventions. We aim not only to restore your workplace but help set your team on a new trajectory where the leaders are “conflict competent” and confident to deal with new issues as they arise.

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Orlando, USA

Toronto, Canada